Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

Editing Lesson
       Today our class went over camera equipment procedures and editing. Mrs. Marchionne discussed camera usage, tripods and SD cards. We went over Pinnacle Studios, which is the editing software available to us. There are several steps to properly importing and saving your footage. These steps are vital to making a clean, smooth, and eye-catching film. 
        First you want to start by dumping your footage from your SD card onto a new folder for the project. You can find your footage in the DCIM folder of your SD card. If you can’t find your clips then go through Private-AVCHD-Stream. A once you finish dumping your footage into your folder, your going to want to open your editing software. We will be using Pinnacle Studios, version 17,18 or 19. Once your editing software is open you’re going to want to click File-New Movie. Then you will want to import your takes. To import means to drag your film from your desktop to Pinnacle Studios. Once you click the import button on the top right corner then click desktop, then find folder. Once you choose your clips, start import. Your takes are considered your raw footage and will be located on the left panel. Three tracks will appear on your screen. The AV Track 1 is for your titles and text, your AV Track 2 is for film and your AV Track 3 is for audios such as voiceovers and music. If you would like to split a clip, you can use the razor blade button to split the take and remove any parts you don’t need. The highlighted section with an orange box around it will represent the item you are acting upon. If you would like to change the coloring, lighting or contrast you can open effects editor and edit the take. Right clicking the clip can also allow you to slow down or speed up your clip.You can make a voiceover by recording a speaker, detaching the sound and deleting the video. You can also add effects to the titles to make it slide in or wipe away. To export means to take out of editing to release your film. The exporting process renders your film, who puts it smoothly together and reduces gaps.You export films as a MP4 file not as a Pinnacle Studios file.

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