Hello, my name is Macy. I am 15 years old and I attend Fort Lauderdale High School in Florida. I am Cuban-American, bilingual, and my birthday is March 22. I love movies and television shows. My favorite genre of film is either Crime or Action. My favorite television genre is drama. I like several genres of music especially R&B and I listen to music 60% of my day. I like the way music makes me feel and the way it transports my mindset.
I am in the 10th grade and I take Pre-Calculus, AICE Media Studies, World History, Chemistry, AP Spanish, AICE Business and AICE English. My favorite class is business since I want to be an investor in the future. I play soccer at my school and I plan on enrolling in several AP classes next year. I want to attend The University of Florida in Fall 2022 with a major in business management with a minor in finance. I love photography and videography because it is the way I can express myself creatively and leave a lasting impression on people. Making montages, taking photos, and editing them seamlessly is not only a skill of mine but as well as a passion. One of my favorite parts of this course is the making of a music video because not only is it one of my most exciting projects, it also is the first time I will completely direct, film and produce an entire music video. I do not like chemistry class, and country music. One of my biggest dislikes is racist, homophobic, ignorant,sexist or judgmental people. I do not like horror movies. I do not like homework but i have work ethic when I am interested.
In conclusion, I am very excited to take part in this course and further increase my knowledge on film production as well as the process directors go through.
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