Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research- The Equalizer

         The Equalizer is a mystery/thriller. The story follows a vigilante named Robert. Robert, a retired man seeking a peaceful life comes out of his shell to protect a young woman forced into prostitution by the Russian mob. He is a skilled killer, and protects this young woman as if she were his own.This film features many action scenes and suspenseful scenes, categorizing it as a thriller. The movie used many long shots for fight scenes and walking scenes. The close shots and medium-close-ups were used during conversations. Like in many thrillers, when an object with significance was shown, such as a gun, the camera would go tight for a close up. The movements included tracking shots, high and low angles, and my personal favorite reaction shots. When something significant happened such as a gunshot, the camera would zoom into a character’s reaction, showing emotion and attachment to the action.
              Now lets move onto CLAMPS. The costumes were detailed to the setting. Robert worked at a Lowes so he wore his work uniform in some scenes. The young woman wore very seductive clothing, since she was a prostitute. The Russian mob members wore clothes such as sneakers and leather jackets. The lighting was low and dim in almost all of the scenes of the entire movie. The acting was very well in this movie; Robert was a very emotionless character on the surface but his emotions inside came out at the right times, mastered by Denzel Washington in this film. The makeup was dramatic for the prostitutes but the rest of the characters  used special effects makeup for cuts, gunshots and other wounds. The props included guns, alcoholic drinks, money and many more props that are usually in crime movies. The setting included; an apartment, a diner, a strip club,  the streets of a city, and a Lowes. The lighting in the film matched the mood; dark and suspenseful. The sound was intense for this film. Suspenseful score, ambient cars, and dramatic gunshots were all used in this film to establish a suspenseful theme as well as a dark mood.
           The movie followed many conventions of a typical thriller; dark lighting, suspenseful music and intense action scenes. I liked this adaptation of a thriller film because it was exciting and well-produced. I did not like some parts of this film such as the lack of character background on some character. In like the thriller genre because the movies are exciting and suspenseful but  they can also challenge your mind and make you think. The film was more an action-thriller than a psychological thriller but due to its conventions, it qualifies as a thriller. The overall production of the movie sent out the message and mood the directors were aiming for.

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