The short film 9 was originally directed by Shane Acker. In 2009, Tim Burton and Universal Studios produced it to be a full length film. To begin with, the main difference between them is the plot. In the feature film, the storyline was more drawn out. In the short, it was a very fast storyline meaning only scenes crucial to the storyline were included. This also means there were more details. The long film had space to add unnecessary details or jokes to keep it entertaining. Short films are fast so they grab your attention and keep it for the length of the film. The short only had a couple scenes but each scene was important. Full films have to make it entertaining throughout. This means that full length films have a more build up character development compared to shorter films. Another difference is there is dialogue. In the short there was no dialogue and mostly just sounds like running and panting. In the feature film there was dialogue to keep it entertaining. This is actually something I really liked about the short but I understand why it was necessary for the long film. I liked how in the short, he got an idea across with no words and just off visuals. The graphics in the full film were also a lot better.My other note is that the feature film had a positive ending and a less dark theme to it. I enjoyed it more because it felt like an interesting journey while the short left me unsettled. Overall, I liked feature film because of the story and graphics but so believe the short was better executed.
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